Channel: Tim Sabat 's Blog
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A guide for snapshotting your MySQL data on EBS volumes.

You have data. You don't want to lose your data, do you? You probably take MySQL dumps, but they can take hours to rebuild. What would you do if you lost your main database and somehow your slave...

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Prune EBS Snapshots with ec2-expire-snapshots

In a previous post, I discussed how to snapshot your EBS volumes for disaster recovery and for starting slaves. If you're using that than great, you're being proactive. Here's the problem though: your...

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AWS::S3::Errors::AccessDenied when calling bucket.objects.with_prefix

While tightening up our security policies for S3 I encountered an error on deletion which we did not expect. The Problem Our policy looked like this: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ {...

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CodePen Outage - Mar 20, 2015

CodePen suffered an outage today and the service was unavailable for about 20 minutes from 7:10 am to 7:40am PST. After this time, we were intermittently flaky until 9:30am PST. Here's a quick rundown...

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s3-backed docker private registry on AWS

You use Docker, but you're not open-source, so putting your containers on the docker registry is not a bright idea. If you want to host your own private registry like we did, follow these...

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apparmor aa-logprof hangs, maxes out cpu

Apparmor has always been finicky to get running for me. This is just the latest in the saga. Running Ubuntu Trusty, and following instructions for creating an apparmor nginx profile, I ran into an...

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docker deployment without downtime

Problem You have a container serving traffic on port 80 via an exposed port. You build a new image and want to launch it as a new container. But, you don't want any downtime while the cutover takes...

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installing solr on tomcat7

Why Because you can't index text by hand, now can you? Also, I always reference my private gist when I rebuild boxes, so I figured I'd put it out there for the world. Finally, no mortal remembers how...

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AWS CLI Script to Assign a Secondary IP

In high stress admin situations, you don't want to have to click around inside the AWS console to move a VIP from one instance to the other. Instead, you should automate! Here's a quick script which...

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Assign a floating (secondary) IP address in AWS VPC

What is a Virtual IP? A Virtual IP (VIP) is a networking pattern which allows an administrator to quickly move and IP address from one server to another with virtually no downtime. Also known as a...

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Remove non-reporting servers from New Relic using the API

During our latest network cutover, we were left with lots of servers orphaned in New Relic because we turned them off in AWS. New Relic calls these types of servers non-reporting. I call these kinds...

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Diagnosing disk contention on AWS with iotop and iostat

Finding the bottlenecks in your application can be tricky. Here's a story of how I used iotop and iostat to help build evidence to choose an ebs-optimized disk to solve a saturated disk problem....

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i'm testing if search is working

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back up gitlab configuration to s3

The gitlab backup instructions are pretty clear on how to how to back up your entire gitlab repo to S3 on a schedule. However, that backup does not include your secrets or configuration. This post...

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AWS::S3::Errors::AccessDenied when calling bucket.objects.with_prefix

While tightening up our security policies for S3 I encountered an error on deletion which we did not expect. The Problem Our policy looked like this: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ {...

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CodePen Outage - Mar 20, 2015

CodePen suffered an outage today and the service was unavailable for about 20 minutes from 7:10 am to 7:40am PST. After this time, we were intermittently flaky until 9:30am PST. Here's a quick rundown...

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s3-backed docker private registry on AWS

You use Docker, but you're not open-source, so putting your containers on the docker registry is not a bright idea. If you want to host your own private registry like we did, follow these...

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apparmor aa-logprof hangs, maxes out cpu

Apparmor has always been finicky to get running for me. This is just the latest in the saga. Running Ubuntu Trusty, and following instructions for creating an apparmor nginx profile, I ran into an...

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docker deployment without downtime

Problem You have a container serving traffic on port 80 via an exposed port. You build a new image and want to launch it as a new container. But, you don't want any downtime while the cutover takes...

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installing solr on tomcat7

Why Because you can't index text by hand, now can you? Also, I always reference my private gist when I rebuild boxes, so I figured I'd put it out there for the world. Finally, no mortal remembers how...

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